Your roof is one of if not the most important part of your home. The roof of your home provides a level of shelter from outside elements, protecting you and your family from harsh weather outside and protecting your belongings as well. A roof problem is never a good problem to have. Roof issues usually tend to include a leak somewhere as well as cracked tiles, missing shingles or other damaged roof coverings. A roof problem almost always will lead to other issues within your home such as damaged materials and even rodent infestations. Getting your roof fixed may seem as simple as calling a roofing contractor and paying the bill, however, it is important to do your homework before hiring just anyone to do the job. Montgomery Roofing outline some common roofing scams to help you avoid them.
Is it Normal to Pay Roofers Upfront?
Many homeowners have been scammed out of money because they have hired the first roofing contractor they call and do not do any research ahead of time. In an all too common roofing scam, a homeowner hires a roofing contractor; the contractor bid the job and asked for all of the money up front. The homeowner pays the contractor, who tells the homeowner they would be back the next morning to begin the repairs. Unfortunately for the homeowner, the roofing contractor never shows up and makes away with all of the money. This happens far too often.
Hiring First Roofing Contractor Without Research is Often a Mistake
Believe it or not, this is a common crime that occurs with home repair and homeowners fall victim to dishonest contractors looking to make a quick buck without doing any type of work at all. As a home owner, there are important steps to take when hiring a professional to perform home repairs. Do your homework, research more than one contractor for the job. Look at references, customer reviews and more importantly make sure that the contractor is properly licensed. Never pay the entire amount of the job up front. As a homeowner, you need to be fully satisfied with the work that has been done, then you can feel comfortable paying for the work that was performed.
Roof Repairs, Replacement & More in Hillsboro, Mexia, Belton, Killeen, Temple, Harker Heights, Copperas Cove, Austin, Pflugerville, Round Rock, Georgetown, Leander, Cedar Park, Kyle, San Marcos & Greater Waco, TX
Unfortunately, we cannot take everyone for their word, and doing your homework on what contractor to hire to repair your roof will pay off in the end. Hiring a professional that is fully licensed, has positive customer reviews and will not require the entire estimate up front will leave you feeling confident about the choice you’ve made. If your roof is in need of repair, contact Montgomery Roofing for the best professional roof repair services available. We will treat you like family and ensure that all your questions and concerns are well taken care of.